Saturday, April 5, 2008

I've got a pocketful of sunshine.

I don't understand why it is that I find horror films ridiculously hilarious...but, I do. I mean, I find them uncontrollably hilarious. At times, I find horror films funnier than most comedies. Horror films are genius when it comes to comedy...they just don't try to be.

Jessica and I went to see "The Ruins" today, and, I will admit, I was genuinely freaked out by the previews for this movie. It looked really freaky and disturbingly scary.

Oh, man. I literally laughed HYSTERICALLY OUTLOUD for most of the movie.

I am that obnoxious person in the movie theatre who is dying laughing when most people are covering their eyes in terror.

I mean, this is not the case most of the time. In my favorite horror films, the Saw movies, I lose my voice from all the screaming that comes forth from my vocal chords. I scream A LOT...climb on top of the seats...cower behind my hands/clothes/friends, etc. I love those movies (Except the 4th disappointing...don't get me started), but, they make my heart race and genuinely scare the crap out of me. I find them genius though.

We also can't forgot the movie, "See No Evil", which would possibly be classified as a "B" movie because I doubt very many people have even heard of it. I screamed so loud during this movie, you would have thought it was I who was being attacked by a vicious murderer. I actually screamed so loud that an employee came into the theatre and told me, "Excuse me, ma'am, could you please stop that."

What? I was scared!! It was so scary. I felt nauseous afterwards and almost passed out. For this, I am not proud. haha

I don't recommend that movie. Not a keeper.

Anyways, but, THE RUINS!!! Holy bajeebers it was so funny. It was downright hilarious. The previews make you think that some sick people...most likely mutants, as they usually are (HAHA) are going to attack the random stupid teenagers that are on vaca. HOWEVER, the "bad guy" in this movie, one soon discovers, are maneating WEEDS...plants...these stupid plants that like attack you, and if you have a cut, they go inside you and like slither around. It's a stupid PLANT. I found this so funny.

With the exception of a GRODY scene of breaking a guy's legs with rocks and proceeding to cut off his legs with a tiny little knife and burning the open wound with a cast iron skillet...(I MEAN WHAT THE HECKKK SO UNCALLED FOR) the movie was very funny.

Cuz I mean...after they cut off his legs...the maneating plants came and stole the feet because they wanted to eat them. hahaha

My favorite part was this poor guy who got hurt...paralyzed actually...had bloody nasty legs when he went to bed. In the morning, this girl comes over and he's like, "I think something's wrong with my legs...look at them for me." and she pulls back the blanket and his legs are covered in...



I mean, seriously? I laughed so hard. I felt bad. I know people don't like horror movie, I was literally holding it back so hard. But, I was actually crying at some points I was laughing so hard. Especially when I discovered one of the lead guys had a funny lisp/awkward accent that I proceeded to mock and make fun of...and Jessica almost peed in her pants.

I await the moment when we get escorted out of a movie theatre. It is bound to happen soon.

Maybe I'm a sick individual, but, the movie was just too funny.

The acting was poor, but, that's expected. The girl from SAVED was in it...which I LOVE. She was obnoxious as heck in this movie though. I wanted so terribly to punch her. Also, the blonde pretty girl from SHE'S THE MAN...another all time favorite of mine, was in it. She went psycho...and that was kinda funny too. We also got to see her boobs. I mean, YAYYYY lifetime goal of mine. I love how horror movies feel the urge to always show at least one pair of boobs. Why? I mean...why?

in conclusion, don't waste your money.

1 month until Student Life---> YAY!

2 weeks until 19---woot!

1 blessed week of Spring Break RIGHT NOW---> thank goodness!!


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