Sunday, March 23, 2008


EASTER!! WOOHOO!!I've often thought that Easter should be a much bigger deal than Christmas. I mean, of course Jesus was BORN "on" Christmas, but, there would be no Christianity and no point, really, if there was no Easter. I think Easter's kinda put on the backburner. It's like "OH, that's nice..." and Chrismas is like "CHRISTMASSSSSSSS!!!" and, well...I don't think it should be. So, yayeahh Easter!!

Recordings were not allowed so, let's just imagine this for a minute. Easter circa 1996. Six-year old Shara Lewis...probably about four feet tall-ish or escorted onto Andrew's Air Force Base's church's stage from her seat. She is all dressed in her Easter best. I don't remember much from this except...the woman who escorted me and who was also the accompanist, had really warm hands. The accompanist began to play and little Shara began to belt out....
Low in the grave he lay, Jesus my Savior, waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord!
Refrain:Up from the grave he arose; with a mighty triumph o'er his foes; he arose a victor from the dark domain, and he lives forever, with his saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!
Vainly they watch his bed, Jesus my Savior, vainly they seal the dead, Jesus my Lord! (Refrain)
Death cannot keep its prey, Jesus my Savior; he tore the bars away, Jesus my Lord! (Refrain)

Do you know that hymn? haha...oh, how I would love to have this on video. I just remember the Choir director coming out before the last verse and telling everyone to sing along with me. And...I remember exiting the stage. That's really about it. haha...but, it makes me smile just the same. We moved shortly after that (story of my life??? haha) but, I remember my mom telling me that the leading of the worship/choir/band had asked if I could sing with him frequently.
Shara the child star.

hahahEaster circa 1998.

Eight(possibly nine, depending on when Easter was) year old Shara. I had gotten a BRAND NEW (this was special. my siblings and I grew up on all hand-me-downs or thrift store/goodwill clothing) dress for Easter, and I was SO excited! I absolutely loved it. I could not wait for Easter to come so I could wear it! (maybe my mom would even let me wear LIPSTICK---> OH SNAP HOLLA) So...I went to bed the night before Easter, and I woke up...and I had my dress ON! first sleep walking experience.

Easter circa a plethora of years. Early in the morning before church, my parents would hide Easter eggs ALL over our backyard and our front yard...some years they were empty, some years they had candy in them, some years they had MONEY in them (HAHA)...and we'd find Easter eggs before church. SO much fun.

Easter always meant pretty dresses and chocolate covered eggs and bunny rabbits. But, it truly means so much more, as I'm sure, most of you all know. I am thankful and ridiculously blessed to have a Savior who would die for me. A Savior who loves me no matter what I do. A Savoir who is praying for me, pleading for me, loving me...always. I am blessed and I am eternally grateful. I hope I make Him proud. I hope my life reflects His love.

Happy Easter everyone!!

Love Always,


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